
Kinship and Permanent Care assessments

Safer Family Solutions (SFS) works with Government and non-governmental organisations to support their effort to provide long term homes for the children in Out of Home Care (OoHC). Our assessors are specialists in the social work field with vast experience in the Child Protection sector. SFS has a quality assurance team of senior practitioners to support and mentor our assessors. Our quality and assurance process guarantees professional reports and provide exceptional outcomes for carers and families.

Our assessors have a unique understanding of culture, its importance and contribution to issues of child safety. We have assessors from diverse cultural backgrounds who provide assessments that are sensitive to culture. While we have access to interpreting services, we also have assessors who speak different languages, making it easier to connect with carers who prefer speaking in their language. Whether you need assessments for an immigrant family or you are placing children in cross culture kinship and permanent care placement, SFS has got your needs covered.


Effective services are those that are constantly reviewed in line with the needs of the consumers. SFS senior practitioners have experience in program reviews to ensure consistency and quality service delivery. With our unique understanding of culture, our reviews will highlight how your programs can meet the needs of migrant families. We will assess and provide you with recommendations to ensure that your program meets the needs of consumers effectively.

Contact/Access Supervision

Parental separation can be a very challenging time for both parents and children. It can be highly detrimental to the safety and well-being of children who are exposed to high-conflict. SFS has experienced workers to provide quality contact/time spent supervision. Our supervisions are safe and neutral, they provide an opportunity for children to spend time with parents or family members they do not live with.

We facilitate Court Ordered contact for Department of Families Fairness and Housing and Family Law Court.

We also facilitate contact which is agreed upon by families. If you want your child to have a relationship with another parent or family member, we supervise the contact and provide both parties with recommendations for further contact plan.

Our unique understanding of culture ensures that families have contact with their children without judgement of their cultural background

We provide the following:

  • Qualified and trained supervisors

  • Onsite facilitated changeovers

  • Qualified supervisors with unique knowledge of different cultures

  • Respectful, private and confidential service to families.

  • Short waiting lists.

  • All staff have either welfare, human services or social work qualifications and other relevant industry qualifications.

  • All staff have a current working with children check.

  • In home supervision where required

Community Education

Migration comes with a need to learn new things. Most migrant families relocate to Australia with no knowledge of child safety standards and expectations. The Child Protection systems from various parts of the world differ from the Australian one. SFS experts have knowledge of different child safety standards in various parts of the world and are experienced in Child Protection in Australia which allows them to provide education tailored to help parents uphold the safety and wellbeing of their children in Australia.

If you have an audience of migrant families, we provide learning in the following areas:

  • Dealing with culture clashes (thriving as an immigrant in Australia)

  • Dealing with culture clashes (parents and children struggles)

  • Doing it the Australian way (The importance of the Law and respecting people’s rights)

  • Impact of domestic violence on children

  • Mental health (signs and seeking help)

  • Safety Plans when faced with domestic violence

  • Safe sleep and risks associated with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

  • How to maintain Healthy relationships

Family Therapy

Healthy relationships are the foundation in society. Families play a big role in providing a safe and supportive environment for people to develop connections to their community and realise their full potential.

Family Therapy is family and child focused and help to deal with issues such as differences in decision making, separation, personality clashes, values not being aligned, the desire to withhold cultural values whilst needing to adapt to new cultural norms between parents and children.

We facilitate requests from the Family Law Court to help with children’s living arrangements within the family or to rebuild relationships between children and their parents.

Our unique understanding of culture ensures that families and their children are supported without judgement of their cultural background

We provide the following:

  • Qualified counsellors with unique knowledge of different cultures

  • Depth of understanding of complex family situations and how to navigate them

  • Knowledge of the Family Law and Child Protection systems

Alcohol and Other Drugs Program

Addiction affects the family in many ways, including relationships, health, finances, work life, safety, and more are all at risk.

We understand that recovering from addiction takes time and that people are required to learn new ways of coping to maintain sobriety. We are here to help you develop healthy strategies.

We provide group therapy for adults experiencing alcohol and other drug challenges that are more cost effective than most private offerings. 

Our eight week program aims to provide a safe and therapeutic environment for adults to explore, understand, and change their identified substance use. Therapy groups run weekly for two hours at Mainview Blvd Community Centre.

We provide experienced AOD clinicians, person centred and holistic approaches where we collaborate with you to come up with evidence-based individual recovery plans and/or recovery focused interventions.

Our sessions uphold diversity and empower you to have autonomy, increasing your self-determination and understanding of your rights and responsibilities.

We offers a range of groups, including:

  • -       Psychoeducation,

  • -       Risk and harm minimisation,

  • -       Art and creative therapies,

  • -       Healthy lifestyle and living skills programs

Our waitlist isn’t long and by expressing your interest, we can work with you straight away to develop a plan that is right for you.

We want to see you succeed. Contacting us today is the first step in your road to recovery.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.